Enjoy your stay with us!
If you need to get rest and want to spend a couple of days away from everyday noise enjoying the peace and tranquility of the farm and its surrounding countryside to the full or if you are simply a nature-loving tourist, you should really visit our farm. Our house is located in a small but picturesque village Jędrychowo (14km from Mrągowo).

Jędrychowo is situated at Lampasz Lake, where the canoe flow down the Krutynia River takes place. The canoe trip starts at Sorkwity, 3km from Jędrychowo. Our house is located about 200m from the lake, where we have our own lakeside and two piers. Our guests can fish there and catch big pike, tench, perch or breams. Nearby the farm, there are forests and numerous meadows encouraging the tourists to walk or cycle enjoying the nature. 

Jędrychowo is a great place to travel from and visit other interesting places. Mrągowo, where in summer the Noc Kabaretowa, Picnic Country and Festiwal Muzyki Kresowej take place, lies only 14km from the village. It is also near to Święta Lipka (about 25km), where the Sanktuarium Maryjne with the famous organ is situated, and to Gierłoż (about 40km), where you can see the bunkers, blockhouses and ruins of Adolf Hitler’s headquarters. It is also near to Mikołajki, Kętrzyn, Reszel and Giżycko.

We guarantee that you will relax here forgetting about your problems and stress.